Posted by Kristy Grulikowski on 12/9/2019 to
AG & Construction
The local Komatsu dealer in St. Louis, MO requested our application team to coat a new Komatsu PC800 Material Handler with Nyalic. The Komatsu
customer, one of the largest fertilizer distribution points on the
Mississippi River, needed help protecting and preserving their huge new
investment. This river terminal is an incredibly
harsh environment, unprotected from the elements, not to mention the
corrosive materials handled. The company offloads, stores and
distributes MAP, DAP, urea, potash and salt, all extremely damaging
products to a machine. During the busy season, the machine
and belts are running 24/7. If the unit goes down, barges don’t get
unloaded. Houses don’t get stocked. Trucks and trains don’t depart with
product. That’s bad for business.
terminal company needed to ensure their productivity. They called on
Nyalic. Our professional application
team applied Nyalic to every nook and cranny, inside and out, on the
machine. Two coats of clear Nyalic protection. The terminal team was
trained how to properly care for their Nyalic-coated machine, further
ensuring long-lasting protection.

Now, several years later, the machine has nearly 11,000 hours on it, and it is still going strong. The lead
mechanic at the terminal emphatically stated, “even with no cleaning or maintenance, the coating has helped tremendously.”
of the story: steel and fertilizer aren’t friends. They aren’t meant to
coexist. However, if you’re going to operate a machine in a harsh
environment protect your
investment with Nyalic!