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Case Study:  The Coke® Story

Case Study: The Coke® Story

The marketing folks call it “brand image.” For a lot of U.S. companies, it becomes a competitive edge by communicating a level of quality that rises above the competition.
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Case Study:  Sculpture Survives Superstorm Sandy

Case Study: Sculpture Survives Superstorm Sandy

Outdoor sculptures are vulnerable to deterioration from environmental effects such as weather, pollution and neglect. Exposure to acid rain, bird and animal droppings, and decomposing leaves are just a few examples of the uncontrollable risk factors outdoor sculptures face.

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Case Study:  Princeton Chemistry Building

Case Study: Princeton Chemistry Building

Hopkins Architects London had been planning an important project for a major UK shopping chain with a view to using a clear coat capsule coat. Having found Nyalic, discussions led to test material being forwarded to the UK.
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